3-6 NT5K19 Analog Tie Trunk Card
553-3001-173 UK Trunk cards description
Environmental specifications
Table 3-2 provides the environmental specifications for the NT5K19
Analog Tie trunk card.
Table 3-2
NT5K19 Environmental specifications
Par amet er
Sp ecif i cat io ns
Oper at i ng t emper at ur e
0- 50 degr ees C, am bi ent
Oper at i ng hum i di ty
5 to 95% R H (non c ondensi ng)
St or age t emper at ur e
- 50 to +70 degr ees C
PAD switching
Table 3-3 presents the digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital loss for the
NT5K19 Analog Tie trunk card.
Table 3-3
NT5K19 loss values
Tr un k t yp e
Di gi t al- t o -
An alo g lo ss
An alo g- t o -
Di gi t al lo ss
2- wi r e E&M
0 dB
- 3 d B
4- wi r e E&M (PAD
out )
0 dB
0 dB
4- wi r e E&M (PAD in)
4 dB
0 dB
AC 15 ( PAD out )
0 dB
0 dB
AC 15 ( PAD i n)
4 dB
0 dB
Pagi ng
4 dB
RA N/M usi c
3 dB
Eme rge ncy R ecor der
4 dB
3 dB
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom