UKTrunk cards description 553-3001-173
NT5K17 — Direct Dialling Inward trunk
Functional description
The NT5K17 Direct Dialing Inward (DDI) trunk card provides the
interface between a trunk and either an NT8D37 Intelligent Peripheral
Equipment (IPE) module or NT8D11 Common Equipment/Peripheral
Equipment (CE/PE) module.
The NT5K17 DDI trunk card can be installed in any PE slot in an IPE or
CE/PE module. Up to sixteen cards can be installed in each NT8D37 IPE
module. The NT8D11 CE/PE module can hold up to ten DDI cards.
The NT5K17 DDI trunk card provides eight analog trunks, each trunk unit
can be configured individually to operate as Direct Dialing Inward trunks.
Refer to the “UK Analog Hardware Support” feature to assist in
configuring the NT5K17 circuit card. This feature is described in Features
and Services for Generic X11 Supplementary Features
Appendix 2 to 553—
Common features
Each NT5K17 DDI Trunk card:
• indicates self-test status during an automatic or manual self-test. Self-
test pass is indicated on the faceplate LED.
• converts transmission signals from analog-to-digital and from digital-
to-analog for up to 8 audio paths
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