308614-14.20 Rev 00
troubleshooting, B-4
initial startup options, 1-13
Input IP Address parameter, 3-13, A-7
inst_arn.bat file, running, C-13
IP address
assigning manually, 1-20, 4-5
DLCI, 3-14
failure, B-2
input parameter, A-7
obtaining automatically, 1-5
options for obtaining
EZ-Install, 1-5, 4-5
Local Boot, 1-12
Netboot or Directed Netboot, 4-5
output parameter, A-7
tag, 2-5
IP Address parameter, 3-15, A-8
IP interface
address settings, 4-7, 4-8
connector setting, 4-8
connector setting, 4-6, 4-7
default settings, 4-6
IP routes
changing, 2-11
displaying, B-15
ip tag, in bootptab file, 2-5
kernel files, 1-3
krnl_an.exe file
description, 1-3
generating, 3-6
specifying instead of an.exe file, B-3
upgrading, B-17
verifying as boot image, B-3
krnl_arn.exe file
description, 1-3
generating, 3-6
specifying instead of arn.exe file, B-3
upgrading, B-17
verifying as boot image, B-3
LAN protocol analyzer, B-9
line usage, minimizing
bandwidth, 1-18
cost, 1-17
linking BootPD and TFTPD, 2-10
LMI, Frame Relay, 4-6
Local Boot
and Quick-Start, C-13
description, 1-3
initial startup option, 1-22
using, C-1
local file system
mounting, C-13
viewing, C-14
log command, B-8
login procedures, 4-2
allocation hints, B-19
preventing saturation, 1-17
minimizing cost of line usage, 1-17
naming configuration files, 3-5
adding an interface for, 3-8 to 3-9, A-6
bconfig command, 4-1
configuring, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1
description, 1-4
global parameters, editing, 3-6, A-3
requirements, 1-4
troubleshooting, B-3 to B-5
netstat command, 2-12, B-15
network analyzer, B-9
next-hop router
configuring, 3-14
not receiving BootP requests, B-2, B-3
not sending BootP responses, B-2, B-4
Nortel Networks Standard PPP