308614-14.20 Rev 00
debugging, B-12
displaying IP routes, B-15
location of files, 3-5
not receiving BootP requests, B-4
required for startup options, 1-4
responses, failure of, B-2
troubleshooting, B-4, B-14
copying, 2-2
debugger tool, B-12
linking to TFTPD, 2-10
send and receive sockets, 2-2
bootpd debugger tool, B-12
bootpd.dmp file, B-12
bootptab file
debugging, B-13
editing, 2-3 to 2-8
symbols in, 2-5
syntax, 2-4
troubleshooting, B-14
break sequences, issuing, 4-2
broadcast address, 1-6
bs (boot size) tag, in bootptab file, 2-6
clocking, synchronous interface, 4-6
command-line interface
logging in to, 4-2
correcting router parameters with, B-2
examples, 4-4
format, 4-3
boot, C-14
dir, C-14
get, B-8
getcfg, 4-10, B-2, B-10
ifconfig, 4-5 to 4-9
log, B-8
run inst_arn.bat
Quick-Start procedure
run install.bat
Quick-Start procedure
compacting files, B-18
comparing startup options, 1-16
configuration file
corrupted, B-17
creating, 3-2
customized, 1-12, 1-15
default boot location, 1-4
defined, 1-3
getting from a BootP server, 1-9
hint for creating, B-19
restrictions, 3-5
using the local, C-14
Directed Netboot, 2-1, 4-1
EZ-Install, 2-1, 3-1
interfaces, 4-1
Local Boot, C-1
Netboot, 2-1, 4-1
Connector IP Address parameter, 3-9, A-4
Connector Next Hop parameter, 3-9, A-5
Connector parameter, 3-8, A-4
Connector Protocol Mask parameter, 3-9, A-5
Connector State parameter, 3-9, A-6
Connector Subnet Mask parameter, 3-9, A-5
conventions, text, xiv
cost of line usage, 1-17
customer support, xviii
BootP, 2-2
TFTP, 2-9
debugging the BootP server, B-12
default IP interface settings
Ethernet, 4-7, 4-8
synchronous, 4-6
deleting files, B-17
diagnostics monitor (AN Monitor), 1-2
dial-up access, B-8
dir command, C-14
direct access.
Frame Relay
Directed Netboot
bconfig command, 4-4