Chapter 3
ROM Monitor Commands
Nortel Networks 5399 Access Switch Hardware Installation Guide
The ports command tests the WAN interface port. The syntax is:
To test the WAN port, the interface must be connected to a loopback plug.
No external clocking is required.
When invoked, the command displays a menu of options. The following
is a sample screen display for a T1 (24 modems) or E1 (32 modems)
version of the Remote Access Concentrator.
The following is a sample screen display for a modem-less version of the
Remote Access Concentrator.
monitor:: ports
Some Important Notes:
- These tests require the WAN port to have a loopback
plug installed.
- An even number of ports must be selected for the Modem
Ports test because pairs of modems are connected
together and data is looped back between them.
1) Digital Ports
2) Modem Ports
Selection (Return to exit)::
monitor:: ports
Some Important Notes:
- These tests require the WAN port to have a loopback
plug installed.
Ports with faulty Data Lines:
Enter port number or range of ports to test
(Return to exit)::