Chapter 4
Troubleshooting Procedures
Nortel Networks 5399 Access Switch Hardware Installation Guide
Remote Access Concentrator Dumps
The Remote Access Concentrator dumps its memory image to a host
running load server software when certain software or hardware events
Dump files are generated for use by technical support personnel
Events that trigger Remote Access Concentrator dumps are:
Non-recoverable hardware or software errors.
Software fails to reset the Remote Access Concentrator’s
watchdog timer.
Software fails one or more internal consistency checks.
Hardware detects an internal fault.
The Remote Access Concentrator sends a dump file to a preferred load
dump host. If you do not define this host by specifying an address, the
Remote Access Concentrator broadcasts a request and dumps to the first
host that responds.
The Remote Access Concentrator sends a dump to the /usr/spool/erpcd/
bfs directory on the dump host. The /usr/spool/erpcd/bfs directory is a
default pathname and can be changed. The receiving Remote Access
Concentrator assigns a unique file name for each device that it receives
a dump from but not for each crash dump.
Rename any crash dumps that you want to save. Erpcd
overwrites crash dumps if the same unit dumps again.
The assigned name depends on the number of characters per file name
that the dump host supports. For hosts supporting file names longer than
14 characters (e.g., most modern UNIX hosts), dump files are named
dump.addr. The file extension addr is the Remote Access
Concentrator’s IP address.