FD67 Profibus-DP Manual
5.3 Configuration
Note :
The FD67 System is normally configured using a configuration tool supplied by the
master's manufacturer. Then you don't have to worry about the technical details
described in this chapter. You can find a configuration examples in Chapter 5.3.4 and
Chapter 6.
The configuration message, which defines the number of input and output bytes, is sent from the master
to the slave during the startup procedure.
FD67 uses the special ID format according to IEC 61158.
FD67 can only be operated on DP masters which support the special ID format.
Based on this information, the FD67 bus node checks the configuration for correctness. If the bus node
detects a deviation between the required configuration transferred by the DP master in the configuration
message and the actual configuration, the bus node indicates a configuration error and does not switch to
data exchange with the DP master.
The configuration error is indicated visually via the Cfg F LED on the bus node. In this
case, the Cfg F LED is lit red.
5.3.1 Placeholder
To maximize expandability of the FD67 System, it is possible to insert placeholders. A placeholder is a
module with a data length of zero and whose sole purpose is to reserve a space for adding a module at a
later date.
Note :
It is advisable to insert placeholders into the configuration for unused connectors.
See Chapter