Robot Gun
Part 1105518
Nordson Corporation
Allow only qualified
personnel to perform the following tasks.
Follow the safety instructions in this
document and all other related
Cable and Tubing Connections
1. See Figure 4. Connect the control cable to the
gun and the appropriate receptacle on the
iControl cabinet. Tighten the cable nuts
2. Connect blue 6-mm pattern air tubing to the
gun and the appropriate outlet fitting on the
pump panel.
Use 8-mm flexible
tubing for powder
delivery, at least 20 meters long. Cut the end of the
tubing square. Refer to page 21 for tubing cutter
and tubing part numbers.
3. Install the lock knob on the flexible powder
tubing 2 ft from the end of the tubing.
4. Unscrew the nozzle retaining nut and remove
the nozzle shipped with the spray gun.
Remove the barbed tube fitting from the nozzle.
5. Slide the 2-ft piece of mesh sleeving through
the powder tubing channel from the front of the
gun to the rear.
6. Insert the end of the flexible powder tubing into
the end of the mesh sleeving at the rear of the
gun, then pull the mesh sleeving and tubing
through the gun.
7. Push the barbed end of the tube fitting into the
end of the flexible tubing up to the first shoulder.
8. Pull the flexible tubing back through the gun
until the fitting seats in the gun, then install the
nozzle over the fitting and thread the nozzle nut
onto the gun.
9. At the back of the gun, slide the lock knob up to
the lock nut, then thread the lock knob into the
lock nut until snug.
10. Route the powder tubing to the pump cabinet,
and connect it to the appropriate powder pump
outlet fitting (rear fitting).
11. Use spiral wrap, Velcro straps, or clamps to
dress out the control cables and tubing, prevent
kinking, and protect them from damage.
not use cable ties to bundle the powder