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nRF51822 Development Kit User Guide v1.4
Debugging an application when a readback protected SoftDevice is present
Debugging applications with a SoftDevice present behaves as described in
, except when the program counter is in Region 0 on a SoftDevice with readback protection
enabled. Code words from addresses in the protected area will always return zero to the debugger.
Any values in peripheral registers that are restricted or blocked by the SoftDevice will be invisible to the
debugger as well. Information on the SoftDevice configuration and memory resource mapping can be
found in the
S110 nRF51822 SoftDevice Specification
Avoid single stepping to the protected area. Instead, set the breakpoint right after SVC calls
while debugging and run the application to the actual breakpoint, see
The “step over” function (
) may also be used instead to step over SVC calls to avoid delays
when entering the readback protected area.
Figure 33
Debugger information for a setup with a SoftDevice enabled in the protected area