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nRF51822 Development Kit User Guide v1.4
5. Select the desired motherboard from the Device Manager pane in nRFgo Studio. To find the board
ID, look on the 7-segment display on the Motherboard.
6. In nRFgo Studio, you can control the supply voltage (VTG) to the connected nRF51822 module.
Make sure the voltage is set to 3.3 V.
Note: •
Please refer to nRFgo Studio's help file for further information. While in nRFgo Studio, press
to open the help file.
The nRF51822 device is capable of operating at voltages higher and lower than
3.3 V. This can be tested when the debugger is not required for programming or debugging
the application. However, for the J-Link Lite Cortex-M (that is included in the kit) to function
correctly, the supply voltage must be set to 3.3 V on the Motherboard. At all voltages other
than 3.3 V, the J-Link Lite CortexM-9 debugger should be disconnected from the nRF51822
module (SEGGER has debuggers that are capable of debugging in the entire voltage range).
The supply voltage operating range of the nRF51822 device is stated in the Product