Analog Input SmartLead
P-811 Rev B (May 2019)
When utilizing the Analog Input SmartLead version with the 2.5 mm TRRS Mating
Connector (For more information refer to Section 9 of this manual), one may utilize the
following diagram for assistance soldering personal circuitry to the connector:
The below image corresponds to the inner workings of the TRRS Mating Connector. This
component can be customized to allow the user to collect three separate signals. The user shall
solder their desired wires to the proper poles. If the user solders a desired electrical output to Pole
1, and the circuit’s ground to Pole 4, the signal will be displayed in MR3 as the
input 1 signal.
Similarly, Pole 2 corresponds to input 2 and Pole 3 corresponds to input 3.
Input Number Relation to Pole Number
Input 1
Pole 1
Input 2
Pole 2
Input 3
Pole 3
Pole 4