Noraxon U.S.A, Inc.
MyoMOTION System
P-6828 Rev A (Oct 2014)
Section 1: Introduction
Noraxon’s myoMOTION™ System is a combination of hardware and software that enables the
capture of human motion in three degrees of freedom (3 DOF). A compact Inertial Measurement
Unit (IMU) placed on any segment of the body precisely tracks the 3D angular orientation of that
body section. By positioning individual IMU sensors on two contiguous body segments, the
intervening joint Range of Motion (ROM) can be determined. This concept is easily expandable
from a single joint of interest to a simultaneous 16 sensor full body measurement across all major
The myoMOTION sensors transmit the motion of the human body directly to the myoMOTION
receiver or data logger to quantify the angular changes of the selected body segments. The
captured data may then be analyzed using Noraxon software.
The main advantage of this technology is it is easy and quick to use, fully portable and can be
used with independent external cameras. This unique concept gives the user flexibility to operate
the myoMOTION system without limitations.
The myoMOTION data logger brings even more portability to the system. With the myoMOTION
data logger, users can apply the sensors and, using the data logger, record data anywhere during
any activity. This recorded data can then be imported from the data logger into the software for
processing and analysis.
Noraxon’s 3-D myoMOTION system is intended to measure and quantify angular changes of
selected body segments. The data logger is used to make the system truly portable by offering an
option for recording data without the use of a myoMOTION receiver or a computer. Recorded
data can then be imported into the software for data analysis and reporting.
Intended Users
Researchers and individuals trained in physical medicine, physical therapy or ergonomics
Subject Populations – Medical
Individuals with cerebral palsy, physical injuries, post-surgical or post stroke conditions
Subject Populations – Non medical
Athletes, workers at their worksite, subjects in new product trials
Common Applications
Movement Technique analysis, gait analysis; tracking over time the outcome of surgical,
therapeutic or orthotic interventions; identification of ergonomic stress factors in the workplace or
new product designs; sports performance analysis, and postural assessment.
Use of the myoMOTION analysis system and data logger is contra-indicated in individuals who
have implanted pacemakers.