expert settings.
Ka 8 Band
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Detection for Ka band
frequency 35.378-35.835 GHz
Ka 9 Band
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Detection for Ka band
frequency 35.595-35835GHz
Ka 10 Band
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Detection for Ka band
frequency 35.830-35.998 GHz
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Enables or disables laser
POP Mode
Recommended settings: Off
Options: Off, on
Description: Enhances Ka band POP
BSM Filter Mode
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Enables or disables Blind
Spot Monitoring filter to reduce false alerts
produced by BSM systems in vehicles around
TSR Filter Mode
Recommended settings: On
Options: Off, on
Description: Enable or disable Traffic Filter
Rejection filter to reduce false alerts caused
by traffic sensors
Auto Mute
Recommended settings: 40%
Options: 0-80%, in increments of 20%
Description: Percent of full volume to mute
alerts 8 seconds after an alert begins. 0%
turns Auto Mute off
Unit Mode
Recommended settings: English
Options: English, metric
Description: Controls what unit the XP
displays in. English will display in miles per
hour (mph) or feet, and metric will display
kilometers per hour (km/h) or meters
City Mode Filter
Recommended settings: X 4, K 2, Ka 0
Options: 0-9 for each band
Description: Allows the user to individually
control sensitivity to each radar band while
the detector is in City or Auto City mode.
The numbers represent the amount of
signal attenuation; 0 is no attenuation, 9 is
maximum attenuation
City Mode Speed
Recommended settings: 20mph, 40mph
Options: 0-35mph for Low Speed Mute, 40-
60mph City Mode Speed
Description: Low Speed Mute will mute
the detector if you’re moving under the set
speed. City Mode Speed is the maximum
speed at which the detector remains in City
Display Mode
Recommended settings: Standard
Options: Standard, threat, frequency
Description: Controls what information is
shown on the display during an alert