CCS Technical Documentation
Page 14
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 09/2002
Manual Verification:
See previous section.
See previous section.
TN TX RF AGC Cell Po (0) [or (1), or (2)]
This tuning characterizes the RF AGC curve by entering PDM values to the RF AGC and
measuring the output power.
The results are TX power readings in dBm of the transmitted signal measured for each of
the listed PDM settings of the Cell TX RF AGC.
Manual Verification:
Set up the transmitter as described in tuning 24.3 above.
Set the Cell PA PDM to -329.
Set the TX_IF_AGC to the value determined in tuning 24.3 above to give +11 dBm on the
Change the TX RF AGC to the settings in the following table, and measure the TX power
levels. Check to see that they are within the specified range.
Check Robin (N801) according to Tables 1, 2, and 4. Also check D400,
which generates the PDM signals. Check AGC PDM voltages according to Table 1. Trou-
bleshoot the rest of the cell transmitter, if needed.
TN TX Gain Comp Cell Po MD (or LO, LM, ML, MH, HM, or HI)
Both this tuning and the next (
TX IF dBm Set Cell Po
) ensure that the value of TxdBCtr
correctly corresponds to the absolute TX output power. On the midchannel, with TxdBCtr
set to a specified value, G_Offset is adjusted so that the output power is -8 dBm and
that value of G-Offset is recorded (which is an absolute value) in the next tuning. (The
output power in dBm is recorded in this tuning.) After this is done on the midchannel,
the channel is changed to each of the other channels and output power is reported.
(G_Offset is not adjusted on the other channels as it was on the center channel — just
the output power is recorded.)
The result is the transmitted power in dBM, which should be -8.0 dBm +/- 0.5 dB on the
center channel.
Acceptable range for output power, in dBm
-512 decimal
-67 decimal
-22 decimal
in tuning