Disassembly / Troubleshooting Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 28
Issue 2 09/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Trouble Shooting
Verify that the signal on RIF N702 Pin 17 (TP108) shown in the plot
above is present on CAFÉ Pin 24 (TP110). If this is the case then check
the test set up.
800 CDMA Tuning Tx IF AGC
Description of Test
The RIF and TIF AGC is approximately a second order curve, this curve
is split into 16 segments for both Transmitter and Receiver. Offset and
slope values are stored in eeprom for each of these 16 segments. The
offset for the segments is computed from the 3–point calibration per-
formed in this test. After test a 2
order approximation is made and the
Offset and Slope computed.
TX_IF_AGC must be adjusted to achieve the correct power level for Point
1, when this is done the process must be repeated for Points 2 and 3.
Definition of Result
The results of the 3 point tuning are the 16 slope and offset values, which
are stored to eeprom RF_TUNE_CELL_TX_AGC_OFF-
Manual Verification
Use WinTesla as follows: