Disassembly / Troubleshooting Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 21
Issue 2 09/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
19.2MHz measured at the output of the VCTCXO Buffer (TP102) with a
10 Mohm probe.
AMPS Tuning Tx Power Levels
Description of Test
These tests tune all the AMPS power levels 2 to 7 to the required output
power level by changing the TX_LIM_ADJ PDM (TP103). This is done
with the phone in AMPS mode with transmitter on and the TX_RF_AGC
PDM set to FF and TX_IF_AGC set to 1FF.
NOTE: The AMPS Transmitter band is frequency compensated with fixed
values, these are referenced to the channel with the lowest loss which is
Channel 550. It is very important to tune the transmitter using Channel
550 otherwise the maximum allowable power may be exceeded.
Definition of Result
When all the power levels have been correctly tuned the values of
TX_LIM_ADJ PDM are stored in eeprom
Manual Verification
Use WinTesla as follows: