Troubleshooting — RF
CCS Technical Documentation
Page 26
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 02/2003
Troubleshooting: If transmitted power levels cannot be attained, check PCS TX as
described at the beginning of this chapter.
TS ACPR Cell - Low
See description for PCS ACPR. In cell band, however, the offset is –0.9 MHz (+ 0.9 MHz).
See TN TX Limiting Po Cell (or PCS) IS 95 section for an explanation of results.
Manual Verification: Set up the measurement as described in the TN TX Limiting Po Cell
(or PCS) section, but turning on the Cell transmitter to channel 384. Likewise, use the
TxdBCtr value for Cell TX Limiting on channel 384 in IS95 mode. Measure at the center
frequency of 836.52 MHz, and the offset of +/- 0.9 MHz.
Troubleshooting: Refer to the TN TX Limiting Po Cell (or PCS) IS95 section, and also the
Cell TX troubleshooting guide of the Probing/Troubleshooting Tables and Diagrams sec-
tion. Cell band TX decoupling capacitors are C653, C633, C649, C648, C619, C817, C810,
and C811.
TN RX IF AGC RXdBCtr (0) [or (1) or (2)]
This tuning calibrates the RX IF AGC curve since the output power of the IF part of the
Batman IC is not a linear function of RX_IF_AGC. The tuner injects three known signal
power levels into the phone’s receiver, and for each one the phone’s AGC algorithm
adjusts the RX_IF_AGC to get the same amplitude at the output of Batman, although
different amplitudes are going in. From these three points, curve fitting is used to inter-
polate between measurement points. The result is a value of RxdBCtr (which corresponds
to a value of RX_IF_AGC) for each of three CW input powers injected into the receiver:
TxdB Ctr Value
Transmitted power (in dBm)
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) + 350
Check tuning results file for limits
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) - 500
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) - 1000
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) - 1500
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) - 3200
(TxdBCtr for TX limiting) - 4200
PCS only
-87.5 dBm
-89 dBm
-57 dBm
-61 dBm
-18 dBm
-22 dBm