CCS Technical Documentation
Troubleshooting — RF
Issue 1 02/2003
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Page 25
Figure 4: Bad ACPR (analyzer screenshot)
Troubleshooting: If one or more of the AGC values needs a value much higher than nor-
mal to achieve maximum power, that would indicate that a component in the chain has
less gain (or more loss) than it should, and another component that is compensating for
that could be saturating. Use the AGC information as a guide to troubleshoot the PCS
chain as described in the Probing/Troubleshooting Tables and Diagrams section, being
careful to check all decoupling capacitors (C614, C615, C605, C603, C602, C624, C621,
C651, C611, C634, C635, C608, C650, C817, C808, C814, C809, C813). Severely degraded
ACPR is detectable just by looking at the shape of the CDMA curve (see figure above);
therefore, you can also probe each point in the TX chain to see if ACPR becomes
degraded at one point.
TN PA Detector PCS Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), or (7)]
This tuning determines the output voltage of the TX power detector as a function of
transmitted RF power.
The result is the measured transmitted power in dBm.
Manual Verification: Find out the value of TxdBCtr which sets TX Limiting in IS95 mode
on channel 600 in PCS by performing the manual tuning of the TN TX Limiting Po Cell (or
PCS) IS95 section (TX Limiting). Next, choose the PA Detector PCS tuning in the RF Tun-
ing window. Enter the values of TxdBCtr that are listed in the following table into the
“values” dialog box, and ensure that the transmitted power is within the limits.