2 (30)
Service & Analysis Center Europe
Version 1.0 Approved
SACE AMS Training Group
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-How to use this document
Put the QUICK REPAIR layouts behind these manuals.
Now you are able to follow these specifications with graphical layouts and it is easier for you to find the
components and measuring points.
-Component characteristics:
Some components contain important data.
Several described steps are only practicable if you are able to reflash/ realign the phone and/or rewrite
IMEI/SIMlock in certain cases. Please pay attention to separate notes.
-Underfills, broken balls, µBGA
It is not possible to change underfilled components. The trial will damage PCB surely. All replaceable
µBGA-components must be renewed after removing.
Check soldering points, remove oxidated solderings (broken balls) carefully by enclosing few new solder
before placing new components.
µBGA must be soldered only with NMP approved µBGA-rework machines (e.g. Zevac/OK International).
Use only recommended Fluxtype and an appropriate amount of it.
Clean very careful the PCB after every rework and take great pains over the keyboard area. Don´t make any
loose wiring connections anywhere.
If it is necessary to change any item located under the metal shields, remove the shield first,
don´t cut partially or bend it.