After a long time in use, the blade guides should be lubricated with
some silicon wax or oil. (Picture N)
Use the right saw blade. Full range of blades are available for wood and
Do not force the saw through the work-piece.
Work with a light touch!
Corner mouldings for ceilings.
You may experience some difficulty in placing a profiled work-piece
correctly on the mitre saw table. Please note! The horizontal table repre-
sents the ceiling when cutting. When cutting the right end of the work-
piece it will be the left end when cutting, since the work-piece will be
turned 180(. (Picture O)
Picture frames and mirror frames.
Mount the fast action clamp/clamps so that the work piece will be fixed
against the table and the back wall (see instructions for fast action clamps)
The front side of the work piece should face upwards.
Start cutting the right end of the work-piece (if right handed).
Always use the measuring formula to calculate the length of the moulding.
Mark the position of the left cut on the back of the moulding with a sharp
pencil or knife.
Mount the work piece, position the length stop against the first cut and
lock it. (Picture F)
Start with the left cut, proceed with the pieces that should have the same
length by using the length stop.
If the length of the moulding is short and does not reach the length stop –
use a spacer. (Picture P)
Press the spacer against the back of the saw table with your thumb, move
the right side of the moulding against the spacer and fix the moulding with
the fast action clamps.
Formula for 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12 sides frames. (Picture Q)
L =
frame length (maximum length of each side)
S =
side of picture
W = width of frame from rebate
P =
play in the rebate between picture and frame
4 sides (Rectangular):
L = S + 2 x (P + W)
5 sides (Pentagon):
L = S + 1.453 x (P + W)
6 sides (Hexagon):
L = S + 1.155 x (P + W)
8 sides (Octagon):
L = S + 0.828 x (P + W)
12 sides frame:
L = S + 0.536 x (P + W)
If you are unfamiliar with formula it can also be explained as:
4 sides (Rectangular):
Measure the frame width from the rebate to the outer edge and add the
desired play.
Multiply this sum by two and, finally, add the length of the picture side.
5 sides (Pentagon):
Measure the frame width from the rebate to the outer edge and add the
desired play.
Multiply this sum by 1.453 and, finally, add the length of the picture side.
6 sides (Hexagon):
Measure the frame width from the rebate to the outer edge and add the
desired play.