Single Digit Nixie Tube Clock ‘Z566’
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About the clock
Single Digit Nixie Tube Clock ‘Z566’ is a single tube clock utilising a
single nixie tube type Z566M, Z5660M, ZM1040, ZM1042 for the
display. It is a compact design with all components and tube
mounted on a single PCB.
The above types of tube, with a digit height of 30mm, are amongst
the largest nixie tube that can still be obtained in reasonable
quantities. These tubes are principally European in origin and were
produced during the 1970’s and 1980’s, when the technology was
at it’s most advanced. It is expected that the tube will last for very
many years and should not need replacing.
Clock Features
Single Digit Nixie Tube Clock ‘Z566’ has the following features:
- Hours and Minutes display on a single tube
- Uses the mains AC as the timebase
- Selectable at power-up to work with 50Hz (Europe) or 60Hz
- 12 or 24 hour modes, selectable at power-up
- Simple time setting using two buttons
- Maintains time during setup mode, eg. When changing between
Standard time and Daylight Savings Time
- Three display modes: normal flashing digits , fade-in, and fade-