41840-A McAlby Court, Murrieta, CA 92562
(800) 451-9343, email: [email protected]
1. System is located where it will not be subject to physical impacts or rough contact by heavy objects.
2. Feed water pressure to the unit is no less than 40 psi and no greater than 80 PSI.
3. Ensure the plastic retainer clips that holds the cartridges in place are fully engaged and locked in place. The
slide locks must snap into place in the slots. If the clip does not snap easily into place through the slots it means
the cartridge is not fully inserted into the connectors. Press top or bottom of cartridge to engage connectors until it
snaps into place properly.
4. All tubing connections, especially push-in quick connections, are fully inserted.
5. Tubing connected between the faucet and the drain saddle fitting (the fitting attached to the sink drain pipe) runs
"downhill" to the drain. There should be no loops or places where water would not flow out to the drain.
6. Feed water valve is open.
7. Within one to two hours after initial application of water pressure, check again for leaks especially at the tank,
faucet tubing and connectors. These parts will not see full pressure until approximately 2 hours after the system is
8. Flush three tankfuls of product water to drain. If a chlorine scent persists, repeat flushing procedure.