The amplifer operation can be controlled using both the infrared
Remote Control or the Rotary Control button on the amplifer itself.
Using the Rotary Control
The rotary control is the round button on the front right side of the
amplifer. It allows three different actions:
Increase / Decrease:
rotate the button left or right
Push the button and release
Push the button and keep it pressed for about 3s.
Depending on the amplifer state each action may perform a
different function. For example rotating the button will change the
volume level by default or select the active input when in input
selection mode.
Using the Remote Control
The remote control uses infra red signals to communicate with the
amplifer, and needs a clear line of sight to operate correctly.
The remote control offers the same actions as the rotary control:
Increase / Decrease:
Press the up or down arrow buttons
Press the middle button
Press the middle button and hold pressed for about 3s.
Installing the Remote Control battery
If you just unpacked the remote control, you will frst need to install
the battery before it can be used. The remote control uses a
(coin cell) Lithium battery.
Follow these steps to install or replace the battery:
Turn the remote so that you look at its back.
Slide the back plate downward to remove it.
Arcus Integrated Amplifer
Owner’s Manual
Page 15