For more information, please see the Product Change Notification for the
There are still outstanding notes from Section 1.4, as well as an additional issue, to
keep in mind:
CATM1 still only uses Band 13
CATM1 devices still require a CAT-M1 SIM card.
CATM1 SMS is still only between CATM1 devices.
The Sequans VZM20 module will default to an AT+CFUN=1 mode at boot. If no
SIM card is installed, it may cause the module to continuously reboot.
Additionally, a firmware update procedure may fail. For more information, please
see document 1001810 Device Errata Skywire NL-SW-LTE-SVMZ20 Modem:
1.4 Archive of Critical Engineering Sample Notes
1.4.1 Engineering Sample
The NL-M1DK-ES are Engineering Sample products. This means that there is
some functionality not enabled yet, and there will be numerous software and
firmware changed and updates in the near future as these features mature.
1.4.2 Modem Firmware
The firmware in the modem may have some limited functionality, but you will
need to update the firmware as part of the out-of-the-box experience.
1.4.3 AT Commands - Addressed in firmware 32902
Not all AT commands listed in the AT Commands Manual are enabled. The
associated Application Notes will reference commands and sequences that are
available at the time of writing and known to be working. If you receive an
ERROR response when trying to use one of the commands not listed in an
Application Note, you can expect that the implementation is not complete for that
1.4.4 Lower Power Modes - Available in firmware 32902
We do not advise performing any advanced power testing at this time. Low
power modes (and power-save modes) are not available in current firmware so
results are not representative of the product’s true capabilities yet.
1.4.5 SMS Messaging - Available in firmware 32902
SMS messages are not available at this time.
PN 30192 rev 10
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