- A30 ・ AF-S DX55-200/4-5.6G -
(Fig. 3-
Package cardboard boxes
Cut out by matching the size of the 1st cutting.
Fig. 5- Light viewers are embedded.)
Fig. 6 - cartoon box is blackened with the chart being attached.
(Fig. 2 - As for the 1st flattened cardboard box, cut out the
<154 x 245 mm sized> shape at 5 locations.
(Fig. 4-
As for the 2nd flattened cardboard box, cut out the
shape in the same way as Fig.2. All cardboards are cut out
as below.)
(Fig. 1-
Prepare 2 package cardboard
boxes, and flatten them as below.
Put the 2nd flattened cardboard boxe and
the 1st cut-out cardboard together as one
as shown below.
To prevent viewers falling
off, secure the viewers with
tape around the edges.