3.1. Choice of cabling
Disconnect all power before installing the 10-826 video switcher.
Do not connect the device to the mains voltage until installation is complete.
V1 and V2 may not be connected to P, a or b conductors.
Keep the polarity in mind when connecting video conductors V1 (+) and V2 (–).
The 10-826 video switcher requires 6-wire cabling. Use a twisted cable to ensure optimum quality of the video image.
Keep the diameter of the conductors in mind, as this determines the maximum distance that can be bridged between the
power supply and the internal or external video unit. Niko recommends using the following cables for installation of the
10-826 video switcher:
• JYSTY (-F2) min. 3 x 2 x 0.8 mm
• TVVF (-F2) min. 3 x 2 x 0.8 mm
• min. 3 x 2 x 0.6 mm
• UTP/FTP/STP 4 x 2 x 0.5 mm (only for very small installations with, for example, only one external unit and two internal units).
3.2. Connection in cascade
The video switcher has four inputs for four external video units or cameras. A maximum of 16 switchers can be connected
in cascade. This means that up to 64 external video units or cameras can be connected to one system. The switcher may
also be connected to contacts to enable manual selection of the video input.
One video switcher
If you want to connect up to four external video units or cameras, connect the video switcher as shown in the wiring
diagram in Fig. 3.
Multiple video switchers (connected in cascade)
If you want to connect more than four external video units or cameras, connect several video switchers in cascade as
shown in the wiring diagram in Fig. 2.
Use a 8-pole patch cable RJ45 cat. 5th SF/UTP (1 cable of 0.5 m will be provided with the device) to connect the master to
the slaves and the slaves with each other. Both the bus and the a, b and video transfer use this cable. Use RJ45 connectors
to connect the video switchers with each other: connect the cascading OUT to the cascading IN of the next video switcher.
3.3. Power supply
The master and the slaves need to be powered through the P and M conductor. The internal video units are connected to
the master. The connected external cameras need to be powered separately (for example with the 10-498).
In the switching as shown in Fig. 3, the connected internal and external units are powered through the 10-826. Make
sure the power consumption of all the internal and external units combined does not exceed the maximum power of the
power supply 10-805-01.