Each fixture is linked with a group. Effects, sub-dimmers, static colors and positions
are applied to each group. Wolfmix supports up to 8 groups. 4 can be displayed at a
time with groups AD and EH toggles by shift + hitting the BPM TAP button. Each
group can be assigned a name and a DMX input channel on the Groups screen.
Displayed data:
A list of 8 the master group (all fixtures). Each group has a letter, a
name and a DMX input channel.
Encoder actions:
Moving the first encoder selects a group. Tapping the encoder displays the
keyboard, allowing for the group name to be changed.
Moving the fourth encoder changes the DMX IN channel mapping used for
controlling the group dimmer (WLINK add-on required to use this feature). Shift
+ tapping the fourth encoder allows for the DMX IN channel to be auto-learned
by listening out for the next change on the DMX input.
Other actions:
Tapping the button to the top right displays the keyboard, allowing for the
group name to be changed.