Event log
This function enables the display of the events generated or received by the control unit. An “event” is a condition which changes the operating status of the
control unit, such as: activation of an input, end of a manoeuvre, photocell or stop input tripped, etc. This section displays the date and type of an event.
Firmware updates
The function can be carried out solely when the “o-view desktop” software is used, together with the O-view programmer with bluetooth module.
User permits
This function enables the installer to decide which functions and parameters are to be selected for display and modifications by the user. For example, for
safety reasons, the installer can decide to prevent the user from modifying the parameters related to automation motor force and speed.
User permissions can be managed exclusively by using the “installer password” (password management, common functions). Note – All parameters of the
various functions of a control unit or receiver are factory set as disabled.