Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N39200 Series
High-accuracy Dual-channel Programmable DC Power Supply
Note 1: If the indicator light at LAN port on N39200 does not flash after the
Ethernet cable was plugged, please check whether the LAN port on computer is
working properly and make sure the computer is switched on correctly.
Note 2: After completing the above operations, the indicator light at LAN port on
N39200 will stop after a short flash. At this time, the hardware network connection
has been established.
8.2 LAN Port
The default connection method of N39200 to the computer is via LAN port. Ethernet
cable is supplied as standard accessory.
Steps for Ethernet connection via LAN port:
1. Check if N39200 is switched on properly.
2. Make sure the PC is switched on and its LAN port is working properly.
3. Connect one end of Ethernet cable to PC LAN port.
4. Connect another end of Ethernet cable to N39200 LAN port.
5. Check if the indicator light at LAN port on N39200 is flashing.
There are two LAN ports at N39200 rear panel. Operators can select either LAN port
to connect N39200 with computer by an Ethernet cable.
The dual LAN ports design offers feasibility of one computer controlling multiple
devices. Below figure shows one computer controlling two devices.