Hunan Next Generation Instrumental T&C Tech. Co., Ltd.
N39200 Series
High-accuracy Dual-channel Programmable DC Power Supply
Figure 23 SEQ Edit
Table 14
The link will run all the steps from the start step to the stop step. Link operation will
not affect the sequence of the original test steps. After the link completes, it will
continue to run according to the original test step.
To select the desired channel
Cycle Times
To set the number of cycles for the file under edit
CV Value
To set voltage value for the step under edit
Link Start Step
To link to the desired step after the present step is completed.
Zero means no link.
File No.
To set the test file number, max. 10 files
Link to File
To link to the desired file after the present file is completed.
Zero means no link.
To set current value for the step under edit
Link Stop Step
To set the link stop step. Zero means no link.
Total Steps
Displaying the total steps of all files, max. 200 steps
Step No.
To set the step number for editing, max. 200 steps for all files
To set delay time for single step
Link Cycle Times To set cycle times for the link. Zero means no link.