Various color formats can be selected, but 24-bit RGB color is recommended unless your PC can display
only 256 colors. As with resolution, the higher the pixel depth, the more data the video or image will contain.
Frame Rate –
this setting controls the frame rate of the image or video. The higher the frame rate, the larger
the file size.
Since these settings directly control the amount of data in a video or still image, they are very important when
transmission speed or file size are at a premium. High resolution and pixel depth can generate very large amounts of
data. If sending a video over the Internet or recording a video to a file, you may wish to lower the frame rate and color
depth to achieve greater transmission speeds or smaller file sizes, respectively.
Other factors may affect video quality include:
the faster your CPU, the faster your computer can process data. A 300MHz Intel ® Pentium® CPU
will show videos (especially those with higher resolutions and pixel depth) at higher frame rates.
Graphics Display Card –
Fast display cards and graphics accelerators can greatly increase the quality of
videos shown on your screen.
USB Configuration –
When the USB Web Camera is the only USB device connected to your computer, it
will be able to send image data to your computer faster than if there are other USB devices present.
Video Source or Video Settings
The video source dialog box allows you to control the image quality provided by your camera. Most applications allow
you to access a ‘
Video Source
’ or ‘
Video Setting
’ window similar to the one shown below.
Items in the above
Video Source
windows are described as follows: