Reset the tracker
Send SMS “RESET*12345678” to tracker can make the tracker power off and
power on again, “RESET” is the fixed command, “12345678” is password. The
tracker will send back information “Cancel all alarm setting and re-power on”,
then the tracker will power off and power on automatically, if the password is
not right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong
Password”. Sometimes the tracker can not work properly, send the reset
command, the tracker will re-power on afew minutes later.
Reset to factory setting (Back to Default)
Send SMS “FACTORY*12345678” to tracker can make the tracker power
off and power on again, “FACTORY” is the fixed command, “12345678” is
password. The tracker will send back information “Setting back to factory
default”, then the tracker will delete all user settings, and restore all setting to
factory mode, just like a new tracker, then the tracker will re-power on after
delete user setting.
If the user have changed the setting, such as APN, IP, authorized number,
etc, you need set this again after back to factory mode. if the password is not
right, the operation is fault, the tracker will send back information “Wrong