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MVS 5200/5210/MVS 5210-R Series & NANO 1190 NVR User Manual
Chapter 3: Remote Service
4.5.3 Assign time slice to convert job:
Choose a time slice by the Start time and End time picker
control, or drag the mouse cursor on the record list to define
the convert period.
4.5.4 Select cameras to convert job:
Check the camera’s IDs from list to convert job.
4.5.5 Select a folder to save converted file:
Click the browse button to select a folder to save the
converted file.
4.5.6 Start converting job:
Click the “
” button to start the convert. When
converting completes, the system will generate a file into
the assigned folder.
Click the “
” button to abort conversion.
The naming rule of the converted file is as below:
XXX: Camera ID.
YYYY: Execute convert year.
MM: Execute convert month.
DD: Execute convert day.
HH: Execute convert hour.
mm: Execute convert minute.
ss: Execute convert second.
nnn: Execute convert million-second.