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MVS 5200/5210/MVS 5210-R Series & NANO 1190 NVR User Manual
Chapter 3: Remote Service
A. Alarm trigger condition by event type:
i. Motion event, true means alarm triggered by motion, false
means alarm triggered by no motion.
ii. Schedule trigger, true for alarms triggered in schedule
periods, false for alarms not triggered in schedule periods.
B. Select Post-Alarm seconds
C. Merge seconds is set for merging two same alarms between
setting seconds.
7. Click the “
” button below Action list table.
8. Select an action for the system to execute when event is
7.2 Modify Existing Event Schedule or Action:
Modify Event Schedule:
1. Select an event from the event list.
2. Select a schedule from Event schedule list.
3. Click the “
” button.
4. Modify setting values from schedule setting dialog.
5. Click the “
” button when modification is done.
Modify Action:
1. Select an event from the event list.
2. Select a schedule from Event schedule list.
3. Select an action from “
Action List
4. Click the “
” button.
5. Modify setting values from each Action setting dialog.
6. Click the “
” button to close dialog.