Modem Web Interface
User Manual MDM2200 R3.2 v1.1
The displayed parameters and their descriptions are shown in the table below.
ODU Type Configuration
Active ODU ID
Indicates which outdoor unit is active at the moment.
ODU Type Id
Select the ODU type you want to activate.
Positive integer used as unique identifier.
Range 1-32 is reserved for Newtec ODU types.
Range 33-64 is for user definable ODU types.
ODU Description
String used as a description of the selected ODU type.
Power Off Timeout
Not yet supported
Elevation Offset
(Used with Newtec
Terminal Installation
This is the delta between the antenna real elevation and the elevation
of the reference plane to which the smartphone will be placed for the
elevation measurement. This offset is different for different antenna
For ANT2010 75 cm this is 72.5°.
This means that when the elevation is 17.5°, the reference plane is
17.5° + 72.5° = 90°, which is vertical.
Reflector Type
(Used with Newtec
Terminal Installation
We support the following 2 antenna types:
Single-offset antennas
Cassegrain antenna with a
Linear Polarization
Indication (Used with
Newtec Terminal
Installation app)
This indicates the midrange value of the feed reading.
For the front end type ILB2220 (Ku) this is 90°, since the reading is
from 0 to 180°.
For other front end ILB types it is 0°, because the range is for example
from: -45° to +45°.
Positive Feed Reading
(Used with Newtec
Terminal Installation
This indicates if reading is clockwise or counterclockwise.
For the front end type ILB2120 (Ku) this is clockwise , since reading
clockwise is from 0° to 180°.
For some other front end types it is clockwise, because reading
clockwise is for example from: -45° to +45°.
Feed Reading When
When the antenna and front end ILNB is aligned with a linear polarized
horizontal signal from the satellite, the feed reading can be +/- 90° or