15272 Newsboy Circle
Huntington Beach
California 92649
Phone: 714-751-0488
Fax: 714-896-9679
E-Mail: [email protected]
The most important thing to do on this page is to set the name of this SPM-200, and more meaningful names
for all of the inputs.
As always, remember to select “Save” or your changes will not take effect.
5.3 Confi guration Page
FIGURE 12: Top of Confi guration Page
5.3.1 Reset All to Default Values
The fi rst entry allows you to reset the confi guration settings to the defaults. It will restore all the friendly names
to the defaults, as well as other confi guration settings including account names and passwords you may have
made. However, it will not change the IP address.
When using the “Reset All to Default Values” button, remember to re-enter your account names and
passwords. AC Voltage Offset
The Line Voltage input allows you add on offest voltage to compensate for inaccuracy. For example, if line
voltage measurement is low by 10 volts, add ‘10’ to this box and click SAVE. A positive 10 votls will be added
and displayed to what this input is sensing.
5.3.2 Zero Current Channel (Shunt)
“Zero Current Channel” allows you to zero out any offset in the Shunt Current Channel. This channel measures
a DC current by reading the (very small) voltage across the (very small value) shunt resistor that the current
to be measured is fl owing through. It is possible that there might be a constant offset on the reading that
causes the displayed value of the current to be wrong. Clicking the “Zero Current Channel” button zeros out
this error.
be sure that there is no current fl owing through the shunt before clicking this button. If
there is some current fl owing then clicking the button will introduce a constant error into the current reading.
5.3.3 Confi guring Email Setting
FIGURE 13: Email Settings