The receiver has a red status LED next to the RJ12 and Ethernet jack. It can be used to diagnose the status of the
MPCX2 receiver.
MPCX2 receiver status LED
On powerup the receiver connected to the OCM will identify itself by flashing from the most significant 2
digit numbers to the least significant 2 digit numbers. For example, a receiver with ID 123456 will flash 12,
34, and then 56 on power up. This is used to distinguish which X2 receiver is connected to which OCM’s
without having to open up the scoreboard.
LED Status
MPCX2 Connection Status
Solid On
The receiver is powered on, but a connection attempt has not yet been made, or a connection
attempt was unsuccessful.
Blinking Fast
(multiple times a second)
The receiver is in the network and connected. The receiver may appear to not be blinking due to it
blinking very quickly. If the receiver is connected to Scorbitz through the Ethernet jack, then it
will blink more visibly.
Blinking Slow
(approximately once a second)
The receiver is not connected but connection attempts are being made. Each slow blink is a
connection attempt. If the receiver is intended for the network and it is flashing slowly but never
connects then verify that the receiver list in the MPCX2 control is correct.
Solid Off
The receiver is not powered on. It is also possible that the receiver is powered on but for some
reason the LED has been turned off. If this is suspected to be the case then cycle power to the
receiver and the LED should turn on after a brief delay.