Sensor specifications
Range and
operation modes
0-4 absorbance
ADC resolution
10 bit
0.01 abs.
Max sample rate
Sensor features:
Fully digital data.
Rugged plastic ergonomic case.
Push button switch for Start/Stop experiments in off line mode.
Red, green, blue, and orange LED’s for four different wavelength tests.
Testing in both transmittance and absorbance.
Internal photodiode for detecting light.
Neulog products are intended for educational use.
Videos and experiment examples:
Videos, literature and other probes can be found at
Beer-Lambert Law -
http://www.neulog.com/Portals/3/Users/Experiment C-28
Beer%E2%80%93Lambert law Ver 3.0.4.pdf
Color Absorption -
C-31 Color Absorption Ver 3.0.5.pdf
Technical background:
The philosophy behind Neulog’s plug and play technology is based on each sensor’s
ability to store its own data due to an internal flash memory chip and micro-controller
in each plastic Neulog body. This technology allows the sensor to collect and then
store the digital data in the correct scientific units (
F, Lux, %, ppm, for example).
The sensor is pre-calibrated at the factory. The built-in software in the logger can be
upgraded at any time using software available on the NeuLog website. Inside the
sensor’s plastic body there are four LED lights (red, green, blue, orange) to test
various wavelengths.
Light is transmitted from four different colored LED’s inside of the sensor body, passed
through the cuvette containing solution and then detected at the other end to
determine the absorbance or transmittance of light at a specific wavelength. The
sensor works off of Beer’s Law which is explained in the above section “Beer’s Law”.
Beer’s Law:
Beer’s Law is an extremely useful concept in solution concentration testing in the
fields of Chemistry and Biology. Standard curves are created by using solutions of
known concentrations which analyzed in a colorimeter to determine the absorbance
then graphed. The absorption for unknown samples can easily be tested and plotted
on the standard curve to determine their concentration.
Maintenance and storage:
Never submerge the Neulog plastic body in any liquid
Never place anything in the colorimeter sen
sor’s opening on the faceplate
except the approved cuvettes.
Do not allow liquid into the Neulog plastic body.
After using the probe wipe off all excess material, liquid or residue from the
colorimeter probe.
Store in a box at room temperature out of direct sunlight.
The cuvette handling and storage guide can be found at the beginning of
this document
We promise to deliver our sensor free of defects in materials and workmanship for a
period of 3 years from the date of purchase. Our warranty does not cover damage of
the product caused by improper use, abuse, or incorrect storage. Sensors with a shelf
life such as ion selective proves have a warranty of 1 year. Should you need to act
upon the warranty please contact your distributor. Your sensor will be repaired or