Under “ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS” , select “Change Admin Password”. On this page the administrator can change the
default administrator password from “nti” to a new password (maximum 31 ASCII characters). Once entered, re-enter the new
password in the “Confirm Password” block provided.
NOTE: The password entered will be case sensitive so be sure to note what characters are upper or lower case if any are
alphabetical. The password characters are displayed as ‘*’ (asterisk) characters while entering them.
If the administrator password is not known, the administrator must re-initialize the SERIMUX following the "Reset
SERIMUX Console Switch to default settings" instructions on page 34.
Auto Login User
Figure 53- Auto Login User page
Under “ADMINISTRATIVE SETTINGS”, select “Auto Login User”. On this page, the administrator will define which user will
automatically be logged in to the SERIMUX without a password upon power-up. As long as the user is enabled and has access
to the port being used of the auto login, the user may be assigned.