5. Data Report
When the device is turned on, it will immediately send a version package and a data report of water leakages/voltage.
Data will be reported once per hour by default setting.
(If there is special customized inquiry, the setting is changed according to customer requirements.)
Default report time:
Maximum time: 3600s
Minimum time: 3600s
Default reportchange:
Battery ---- 0x01 (0.1V)
R718WB sensor is triggered:
When the R718WB status changes, it will send warning report.
No water leak:0
Water leak:1
The reported data is decoded by the Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command document and
Data report configuration and sending period are as following:
Min Interval
Max Interval
Reportable Change
Current Change
Reportable Change
Current Change
Reportable Change
Any number between
Any number between
Can not be 0.
per Min Interval
per Max Interval