SBL2e Dual Serial-to-Ethernet User's Manual
Page 12
5. Serial Settings
The SBL2e provides two TTL level UARTs, Port 0 and Port 1. The RS-232 setting will enable the
TTL level signals for transmit, receive, RTS and CTS, but you will need to add external level
shifters if you need the RS-232 electrical signals instead of 0-3.3VDC TTL
Select for use as TTL or if you have a RS-232 level shifter.
Specifies whether or not to use the serial port as stdin, stdout and stderr
for serial status messages or debugging.
Data Port Settings (If both are DEBUG,
defaults to Port 0)
Select serial mode RS-232 or DEBUG.
Data Baud Rate
Set serial baud rate
Data bits
Serial data bits
Data parity
Serial parity
Stop bits
Number of stop bits
Flow control
Set to None for no flow control. If using RS-232 or
TTL valid selections are None, Xon/Xoff software flow
control, or RTS/CTS hardware flow control.
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