28 Unknown faces
28.1 Unknown faces
A ? icon indicates that the corresponding person is unknown or has not been recognized
Options available for unknown people:
- `Identify': creates a new prole or improve an already existing prole (See `Identi-
- `Forget': erases this face and its video.
- `Not a face?': if the picture in the circle is not a face, reporting this mistake helps
Netatmo to improve its face detection algorithm.
29 Adjust WELCOME to your needs
29.1 Adjust WELCOME to your needs
Touch the . . . icon in the top right corner of the screen and choose Adjust WELCOME
to your needs.
There you can:
- Set the delay when to consider a person as being away;
- Dene for unknown faces when to receive notications;
- Dene for motion when to receive notications;
- Dene for motion when to record videos;