26 Known people
26.1 Known people
Known people are people you have taught WELCOME to recognize.
You can identify up to 16 dierent people in the App.
Options available for known people:
- `Edit': access prole for the selected person. (See proles)
- `Forget': erase all recognition data and recorded videos of the selected person.
- `Has left?': manually indicate that this person has left Home.
27 Proles
27.1 Proles
To access a person's prole, touch and hold the person's picture and choose Edit.
There you can:
- See prole strength in terms of recognition;
- Dene for this person when to receive notications;
- Dene for this person if video recording is enabled or disabled;
- Change the prole picture;
- Identify the person as being yourself;
- Indicate that the phone currently used is yours, and use its location to help determine
when you leave Home.
27.2 Example
For example, Lily's prole can have the following video recording settings:
- Always: WELCOME will record a video each time it sees Lily.
- On Arrival: WELCOME will record a video only when Lily was considered AWAY
and is then seen by the camera.
- Never: WELCOME will never record any picture nor video of Lily.
27.3 Note
Notications and video recording settings are the same for an entire home, and shared by
the set of WELCOME cameras in this home. For example, if one user switches notications
on for Lily, all users will start receiving notications for Lily, from every WELCOME
cameras in the home.