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Mode function
iCube SDK_SetMode
the basic format (e.g. 640x480)
iCube SDK_GetMode
get the basic format
iCube SDK_GetModeList
get the possible formats of the
Bin Skip function
iCube SDK_SetBinSkip
set the camera into a skipping or
binning mode
iCube SDK_GetBinSkip
get the current skipping or binning
iCube SDK_GetBinSkipList
get the possible skipping or binning
formats of the camera
Save functions
iCube SDK_SaveToFile
saves a bitmap, jpg or tiff
iCube SDK_SaveAVI
saves an avi stream to the hard disk
Trigger function
iCube SDK_SetTrigger
sets the Trigger mode
iCube SDK_GetTrigger
gets the current trigger mode
Parameter functions
iCube SDK_SetCamParameter
set parameter value
iCube SDK_GetCamParameter
get parameter value
iCube SDK_GetCamParameterRange
get parameter min/max values,
default value, auto, onepush and
enabled information
Exposure functions
iCube SDK_SetExposure
set Exposure time (Input)
iCube SDK_GetExposure
get Exposure time (Output)
iCube SDK_GetExposureRange
get Exposure time Range (Output)
Color Transformation
iCube SDK_GetParamAuto
check, if the parameter supports auto
iCube SDK_SetParamAuto
if auto mode is supported, set/unset
auto mode of parameter
iCube SDK_SetParamDef
set parameter to default setting
iCube SDK_SetParamOnePush
if one push mode is supported,
set/unset one push mode of