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Available functions:
Explanation of constants like IC_SUCCESS,ON,
, … see api
definition files (c++: NET_ICube_API.h,
For the linux SDK the functions are called NETUSBCAM_ instead of iCube_SDK_ .
Differences are explained at the respective function explanations.
Table 1:
Standard camera function control
Camera control
iCube SDK Init
initializes the camera connected to
your computer
iCube SDK Open
opens the camera interface
iCube SDK Close
closes the camera interface
iCube SDK_IsOpen
checks for open camera interfaces
iCube SDK_SetCallback
sets the callback function
iCube SDK_Start
starts the video stream
iCube SDK_IsStarted
checks for open image stream
iCube SDK_Stop
stops the video stream
iCube SDK_GetSize
get the current frame sizes
iCube SDK_GetName
get the name of the selected camera
iCube SDK_GetBrokenFrames
get the number of broken frames
since the last start
iCube SDK_GetGoodFrames
get the number of good frames since
the last start
iCube SDK SetDisplayMode
sets the display mode
Version function
iCube SDK_GetVersion
get the SDK version
iCube SDK_GetFWVersion
get the firmware version
iCube SDK_GetSerialNum
get the serial number of the camera
iCube SDK_GetFPGAVersion
get the camera fpga firmware version
ROI function
iCube SDK_SetResolution
set the resolution and position of the
Region of Interest
iCube SDK_GetResolution
get the resolution and position of the
Region of Interest (ROI).
iCube SDK_GetResolutionRange
get the min/max resolution of the
Region of Interest (ROI)
iCube SDK_SetResolutionParam
starts the image stream of roi 2-4 in
multi roi applications