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iCube SDK samples (windows)
The iCube SDK samples shows, how you can develop or integrate the 3iCube in your own application software.
On the CD-Rom you can find examples for following development software:
- 4133_MultiROI: (Microsoft Visual Studio multi-roi example )
This example works with 4133 and 4203 cameras
The multi-roi offers two modes:
• MIMR (Multiple Integration Multiple ROI) mode
allows the user to define an acquisition cycle
comprising 1 to 4 ROI cycle(s).
• SIMR (Single Integration Multiple ROI) mode
allows 1, 2 or 4 areas of interest to be acquired
within the same integrated image.
- C++: (Microsoft Visual Studio examples)
- C++Builder: (Borland C++ Builder SDK Example)
- ICubeSDKSample_x32_VC6: (Visual Studio 6.0 32bit SDK Example)
- ICubeSDKSample_x32_x64_vs2010:
(Visual Studio 2010 32bit/64bit SDK Example)
- VB.NET: (VB.NET SDK Example)
- C# : (C# SDK Example)
- vb.6.0: (Visual Basic 6.0 SDK Example)
Figure 6:
iCube SDK sample