Apex Wireless Expansion Module (WXM) - Setup Guide
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section titled Updating Firmware in the AquaController Apex Setup and Programming Guide
for instructions to update AquaController Apex Base Module and WXM firmware.
To check or update an Apex module firmware:
Apex Display: Setup – Module Setup – Update Module – use the up/down arrows to
highlight the Apex module to update, push Select to update.
Web Interface: Configuration – Module Setup – in the Module Configure area, in
the Module: box, select the Apex module to update from the dropdown list, click the
Update Firmware radio button, click the Submit Module Update button, a new
browser window will open to display the update status.
The WWD and EcoSmart drivers must be updated to a minimum firmware level before they
can be controlled by the WXM. See Table 1 - Minimum Firmware Versions for minimum
firmware versions.
The firmware version installed on an EcoTech Marine pump driver can be determined by
counting the LED blinking sequence when the pump is initially powered on. The major
revision is indicated by the number of green blinks while the minor revision by the number
of blue blinks. For example, 3 green blinks followed by 1 blue blink indicates version 3.1.
Pump Type
Minimum Firmware Version
MP10 EcoSmart
MP40 EcoSmart
Table 1 - Minimum Firmware Versions
If your pumps are up to date, continue configuring your WXM and EcoTech Marine pumps
by following the directions in the section titled Configuring the WXM.
If your pump needs a firmware update, it can be upgraded through the WXM. To update
WWD pumps follow the steps outlined in the section titled WWD Firmware Update. To
update EcoSmart pumps that have not been connected or configured to connect to the
WXM must be updated manually using the instructions in the section titled EcoSmart
Manual Firmware Update section. EcoSmart pumps already connected to the WXM can be
updated using the automatic mode using the instructions in the EcoSmart Automatic
Firmware Update section.