Copper TAPs are active decoupling elements for the secure and reliable tapping of network
data in copper-based networks. These TAPs are looped into the copper line to be monitored
and transmit the entire data traffic without interruption.
Our Copper TAPs have redundant power supplies, which guarantees a high level of fail-sa-
fety. They do not have a MAC or IP address, but work on OSI Layer 1, and are therefore un-
detectable in the network without expensive measuring equipment.
Hackers and other attackers therefore have no chance and since the integrity of the trans-
mitted data remains unaltered due to this tapping method, Network TAPs are increasingly
used in the areas of network forensics, security and monitoring.
Using conventional SPAN ports, on the other hand, can distort the result because this tech-
nique works in store-and-forward mode and discards FCS/CRC errors at the OSI layer 2
level instead of outputting them on the mirror port. In contrast, TAPs pass out these critical
CRC errors without affecting the original data.
Furthermore, a Copper Network TAP works like a diode and does not allow access to the
network via the monitoring ports for security reasons. Professional network analysis is the-
refore only guaranteed through the use of TAPs.
PacketRaven Network TAPs are designed as portable TAPs, but can also be installed in data
centres via a mounting kit in a 19“ mounting frame and support network speeds of 10M,
100M and 1G.
With PacketRaven Copper TAPs you get permanent network access without risk and provide
e.g. your monitoring tools with 100% reliable network data without introducing a single point
of failure.
PacketRaven 10/100/1000Base-T Copper TAPs