Neopost IJ-40 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1






Do not under any circumstances attempt to remove the machine
covers or attempt to repair the IJ 40/50.  There are no operator
serviceable parts thereunder.
The IJ 40/50 is licensed for use under the conditions of the Post
Office. This license is issued subject to the product being secure
at all times. Any removal of covers or dis-assembly of the product
will result in the license being revoked and may result in the Post
Office requesting Neopost to remove the product from use.
The ink cartridge system used within the IJ 40/50 contains Post
Office approved ink. This cartridge should not be tampered with in
any way or the use of non approved inks be undertaken. This will
breach any Post Office licence agreement on the product and may
result in the Post Office requesting Neopost to remove the product
from use.

Содержание IJ-40

Страница 1: ...e product being secure atalltimes Anyremovalofcoversordis assemblyoftheproduct will result in the license being revoked and may result in the Post Office requesting Neopost to remove the product from use The ink cartridge system used within the IJ 40 50 contains Post Officeapprovedink Thiscartridgeshouldnotbetamperedwithin any way or the use of non approved inks be undertaken This will breachanyPo...

Страница 2: ...e device for isolation of the electrical supply The equipment should be installedincloseproximitytoaneasilyaccessiblegroundedpower supplyandanalogtelephonesocket WARNING FOR SAFETY THIS EQUIPMENT MUST BE GROUNDED TheIJ40andIJ50Mailingsystemhavebeendesignedtomeetthe safetyrequirementsofUL1950 Theperipheralinterfacesmeetthe SELVrequirementsofthatstandard thereforeinordertomaintain thelevelofsafetypr...

Страница 3: ...r makes it easy andsafetohandle andtheuserinterfaceisparticularlyclearwith a graphic interface TheIJ40 50is adaptableandassuchcanhandlemanydifferent types of mail up to 3 8 thick The optional feeder can be used to process in a continuous cycle items of sizes ranging from DL to C4 and up to 1 4 thickness For thicker mail items or packages adhesive labels can be automatically dispensed The IJ 40 50 ...

Страница 4: ...4 ORIG0019 A 4 4127763C A 15 03 2006 ...

Страница 5: ...bel Dispenser 14 1 8 System cable connections 15 1 9 System cable connections continued 16 1 10 Positioning the Receiving Tray 17 1 11 Filling the Moistener Reservoir 17 1 12 Entering activation codes 18 2 CONTROLS AND FEATURES 24 2 1 Introduction 24 2 2 System glossary 25 2 2 1 Display Panel 27 2 2 2 Function Keys 28 3 PRINTING POSTAGE 29 3 1 Introduction 29 3 2 Getting started 30 3 2 1 Log On Pi...

Страница 6: ...r with Plain Platform 48 7 2 Using the Envelope Moistener with anAutofeed 48 7 3 Filling the Moistener Reservoir 49 8 PRINTING OPTIONS 50 8 1 What can I print 50 8 2 Print mode selection 51 8 3 Modifying the imprint 52 8 3 1 Choosing a Slogan or Rate Die 52 8 3 2 Date Advance for Pre Dating Mail 53 9 MAINTAINING PRINT QUALITY 55 9 1 Cleaning the Ink Cartridge 55 9 2 Making a Test Print 56 9 3 Repl...

Страница 7: ...S 68 13 1 Introduction 68 13 2 Entry to SUPERVISOR mode 69 13 3 Departments control 71 13 3 1 Changing the User PIN 72 13 3 2 ToAssign a Department 73 13 4 IJ 40 50 System Setup Menu 77 13 5 Memory Cards 85 13 5 1 How To Load Data Using a Memory Card 85 13 5 2 How To Replace Data Using a Memory Card 86 14 REPORTS 87 14 1 Typical Reports 87 14 2 Printing a Report 87 14 3 Setting the Report Destinat...

Страница 8: ...4127763C A 15 03 2006 Special icons in the user s guide Signals an essential piece of information that cannot be missed Signals an important issue Indicates an interesting idea or trick Illustration through an example ...

Страница 9: ...ow sufficient free space as follows Above the machine to enable opening of the covers At the rear of the machine for cooling The power plug on this system is intended to serve as the device for isolation of the main supply where possible it is advisable to connect to a switched power outlet Please do not connect your IJ 40 50 Mailing system to the power outlet until all other connections have been...

Страница 10: ensure that the wick is thoroughly wetted Raise the brush then take the wetted wick and feed into the water troughasshown Lower the brush into place 1 3 ConnectingtheMoistenerUnit PlatformInfilltothePlain Platform When attaching the Moistener Unit Platform Infill to the Plain Platform ensure that the Tabs and Slots interlock as illustrated ...

Страница 11: ... to be fitted first connect the Moistener Unit PlatformInfilltotheAutofeedensuringthattheslotsontheAutofeed fit tightly over the tabs on the Moistener Unit Infill Platform as illustrated 1 5 Connecting to the Hand Feed Platform or Autofeed to the base unit LowertheIJ40 50intopositionsothattheslotsfitoverthetabsas illustrated ...

Страница 12: ...rt Option Sufficient cable has been provided with your weigh platform to enable the unit to be placed on the desk adjacent to the postage meter if preferred Position the weigh platform on its support Any excess cable can be loosely coiled under the support Position the Support Platform so that the pins on the underside fit into the locating points on the rear casing of the IJ base unit WP 5 WP 10 ...

Страница 13: ...tion WP 30 70 WP 10 20 WP 10 20 and WP 30 70 type weigh platform installa tionprocedure Take the weigh platform out of the packaging and remove the screwwhichisunderneaththeweighplatform Keep this screw it must be used when moving the weigh platform ...

Страница 14: ...14 ORIG0019 A 14 4127763C A 15 03 2006 Installation 1 7 Fill the Label Dispenser Tab Printing Surface ...

Страница 15: ...1 8 System cable connections WeighPlatform ScaleConnection Optional AutofeedConnection Option Unplug the power lead from the base before completing the following connections Connect the weigh platform to the connector marked COM 2 at the back of the base ...

Страница 16: ...16 ORIG0019 A 16 4127763C A 15 03 2006 Installation 1 9 System cable connections continued TelephoneConnection Power Cord Connection ...

Страница 17: ...ner Reservoir For safety always disconnect the postage meter from the power supplywhenfillingtheMoistenerReservoir Keepthepostagemetertopcoverclosedandtakecarenottospill sealingsolution waterontothemachine Open the reservoir compartment and fill with envelope sealing solutionorwater Closethereservoircompartment ...

Страница 18: ...following steps Stick the label with the AN1 and AN2 code if applicable activation codes at the back of the WP model and below Keep your codes in an easy to access document They will be useful in case of further upgrade of your system The self adhesive label is at the bottom of the document which is delivered with the WP inserted in the pouch outside of the box Stick the label here ...

Страница 19: ... shown in the following screen 75 55 USER 15 01 2002 IMPRINT MODE 0 00 Then press on Check that the number displayed matches with the WP serial number which is printed on the label OK NO ACTIVATION CODE FOR 410411001211 Then press OK to escape Press then select the SUPERVISOR mode by selecting SUPERVIS left side on the display The message ENTER SUPERVISOR PIN will appear ESC ENTER SUPERVISOR PIN ...

Страница 20: ... confirm using OK SUPERVISOR 1 SECURITY DEPT 2 REGISTERS 3 LOAD FROM MEMORY CARD 4 SETUP OK ESC With the key select the line WP FEATURE and confirm using OK SETUP 6 POC 7 LANGUAGE American 8 REPORT ON LABEL 9 PC CONNECTION WP FEATURE OK ESC 10 Select the line ACTIVATION CODE and confirm using OK WP FEATURE 1 ACTIVATION CODE 2 GEODESIC CODE 00345 OK ESC ...

Страница 21: ...ertoenterthe2nd activationcode AN2 10digits whichisonthesamedocumentasthe AN1 code The screens for entering the AN2 code are the same as the AN1 code Select now the choice GEODESIC CODE and validate by OK Locateyourtownonamap readthelatitudeandthealtitude and find the geodesic code in the table two pages farther Ottawa s latitude is between 45 and the 46 and the altitude is under 200m 650 ft so th...

Страница 22: ...22 ORIG0019 A 22 4127763C A 15 03 2006 Installation 55 50 45 40 80 75 70 65 60 ...

Страница 23: ...0481 10498 10504 10511 10528 10450 10450 10467 10474 10481 10498 10504 10511 10436 10443 10450 10467 10474 10481 10498 10504 10429 10429 10436 10443 10450 10467 10474 10481 10405 10412 10429 10436 10443 10450 10467 10474 10399 10399 10405 10412 10429 10436 10443 10450 10375 10382 10399 10405 10412 10429 10436 10443 10368 10368 10375 10382 10399 10405 10412 10429 10344 10351 10368 10375 10382 10399...

Страница 24: ...24 4127763C A 15 03 2006 Controlsandfeatures 2 CONTROLS AND FEATURES 2 1 Introduction ThefollowingpagesdetailtheControlsandFeaturesincludedwith your IJ 40 50 Mailing system please take the time to read them carefully ...

Страница 25: ...matically weigh and calculate postage 11 Weigh Platform Support Supports the weigh platform and provides a cable tidy 12 Automatic Label Dispenser Holds up to 50 labels 13 Label Release Lever Release to fill the Precut Label Dis penser 14 Infill Unit Standard supplied Infill Platform or the Moistener Platform 15 Memory Card Reader Used to load new postage rate and customer data 16 Ink Cartridge In...

Страница 26: ...26 ORIG0019 A 26 4127763C A 15 03 2006 Controlsandfeatures 11 10 1 2 3 5 14 12 9 13 22 15 4 16 12 6 7 8 17 18 19 20 21 ...

Страница 27: ...NG 05 03 14 DEPT IMPRINT MODE 9 50 2 2 1 Display Panel Slogan Message Mini Die Date Postage Value Resource Level Total Credit Indicator Soft Keys Envelope Label Feed Start Stop Button Clear Key Confirmation Key Function Keys Numeric Keypad M MENU START STOP 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 C OK ...

Страница 28: ...y Key N A Label Key Label mode selection please refer to Printing labels Menu Key Access to Function Menu Lock Return to Standby Locking Funds Key Access to Recredit please refer to Adding postage Weigh Platform Key Weigh Platform Mode Selection please refer to Printing with weigh platform ...

Страница 29: ...achine will accept these but itisrecommendedthatthefixingsaresituatedatthebottomofthe envelope Thiswillavoidtheriskofdamagetoyourprintinghead Intheeventthatasatisfactoryprintcannotbeachievedduetobulky contents Max 3 8 the envelope should be treated as a parcel and a label used ItisrecommendedthattheIJ40 50isleftpoweredonatalltimes This will assist in maintaining print quality In the event that you...

Страница 30: ...l appear Thisnumbermaybechangedorremovedbythesupervisor please refer to Supervisor Settings If the correct PIN is entered the Ready Mode screen will appear 50 00 MARKETING DEPT MODE IMPRINT 12 05 05 0 00 If an incorrect PIN is entered the system will continue to prompt for USER PIN entry If an incorrect PIN is entered for eight or more attempts the meter will be locked in this event please refer t...

Страница 31: ...operation a list of available departments will appear Usingthe and keys oranappropriatenumberkey select your department from the list and press to confirm If your department is protected you will be prompted to enter yourDepartmentPIN Enter the PIN using the numerical keypad If the PIN is correct the Department Ready screen will appear 50 00 MARKETING MODE IMPRINT 05 03 14 0 00 DEPT 1 MARKETING 2 ...

Страница 32: ...a Postage Value Thepostagevaluemaybesetautomaticalybytheweighplatform see chapter 6 or by a manual entry MANUAL POSTAGE ENTRY AccordingtopostageregulationstheIJ40 50allowsthreemanual postage entries entera MANUAL settlementvalueoverandabovethepostage metered at the mail piece level onto a meter impression that wouldbeappliedtotheStatement Usethe MANUAL postage entrymode enter a correction value on...

Страница 33: ...y 75 55 USER REDATE 05 03 14 CORRECT MANUAL 0 00 Thecustomercanreturntothepreviousscreenbypressingtheleftarrow RE DATE OF MAIL Whenthemailerfailstopostthemailwithinthecontrolperiodofthe Mailing Date indicated in the indicia CPC requires the mail to be re dated before induction There dateindiciashallbeafullnormalindiciaprintedontheback oftheenvelope ThePostagevalueisautomaticallysetto00 00in the Po...

Страница 34: ...l the LOW CREDIT indicator will appear LOW CREDIT 75 55 MARKETING MODE IMPRINT 05 03 14 DEPT 0 95 Itisnowtimetoaddmorecredit pleasereferto Addingpostage ThedefaultLowCreditvalueisfactorysetto 50 00 tochangethis value please refer to system setup in Supervisor mode InsufficientCredit Whenthevalueselectedexceedstheavailablecredit printingwill bedisabledandthe INSUFFICIENTCREDITscreenwillappear MODE ...

Страница 35: ...orequaltotheHighValuesettingisselected thesystemwillnotprintunlessthehighvaluesettingisconfirmed ThedefaultHighValueThresholdissetat 10 00 Tochangethe High Value setting please refer to Supervisor Settings The High Value Warning is automatically suppressed when values are received from a Weigh Platform ...

Страница 36: ...eposited into thereceivingtray For an envelope exceeding 3 8 thick a label must be used refer to Printing labels 3 2 6 To Change a Department From Ready Mode press the DEPT button to display the list of availabledepartments thenusingthe and keys orthe appropriate number key select your department from the list Press to confirm If the department is protected you will be prompted to enter your newDe...

Страница 37: ...age If the PIN is correct the new Department Ready screen will appear 75 55 ACCOUNTS DEPT MODE IMPRINT 05 03 14 0 95 IfthePINisincorrecttheprompttoentertheDepartmentPINwill be repeated To Log Off From any screen press the key to go to the Standby screen ...

Страница 38: ...op edge of the envelopes all the same side of the stack Takeoneenvelopefromthestack andplaceitonthefeedingplatform addresssideupwardswiththetop edgeagainsttheleft handsideas shown Move the rear guide forward until the edge of the envelope aligns with the face of the guide Move the side guide towards the envelope leaving sufficient clearance to allow the envelope to move freely Return the envelope ...

Страница 39: ...ary re adjustthesideguide byrestingitagainstthe envelopes without pressing Press the button after a short pause the motor will start Printed envelopes will subsequently be deposited into the receivingtray Envelopes exceeding 1 4 in thickness should be hand fed for an envelope exceeding 3 8 thick a label must be used refer to Printing labels ...

Страница 40: ... thumb and fore finger squeeze the sliders to release the feed mechanism as illustrated 4 Removetheobstruction 5 Close the feed mechanism by applying downwards pressure to the top of the feed mechanism until it is heard to click home 6 Close the Autofeed top cover 7 FromReadyMode pressthe key the MAINMENUscreen will appear 8 Using the and keys or the appropriate number key move the cursor to CLEAR...

Страница 41: ... A 15 03 2006 41 Postageclearingwithautofeed 9 Press the button Afterashortpausethetrackshouldclearandthescreenwillreturn to the MAIN MENU 10 Press to return to the Ready Mode You are now ready to resume processing your mail ...

Страница 42: ...label release lever Labels are inserted in the dispenser with the tab uppermost and the label side to be printed facing the right Using one finger apply pressure to the label release lever thus allowing the labels to drop into contact with the feed mechanism thenreleasethelever Close the top cover Neopost Approved Labels are supplied in boxes of 300 Please refer to Ordering Supplies for informatio...

Страница 43: ...9 If an incorrect quantity is entered press and re enter the correctquantity To print labels press the button Themachinewillautomaticallyprinttherequirednumberoflabels at the displayed value Ifduringthelabelprintingprocessthefollowingdisplayappears 1 75 55 ACCOUNTS ESCAPE CONTINUE 05 03 14 0 95 Firstreplenishthelabeldispenserasdetailedin Fillingthelabel hopper thenpress tocompletethelabelprintingp...

Страница 44: ...e installation of new postal rates please refer to Memory cards 6 1 Weigh Platform Preparation Ensurethattheweighplatformispluggedintothecorrectporton thebackofthesystem pleaserefertoControlsandFeaturesand that the platform surface is clear of any obstruction From Ready mode press The WEIGH PLATFORM screen will now appear 1 RATE Canada 2 FORMAT Standard Let 3 SERVICE Reg 0g ACCEPT W EIGH PLATFORM ...

Страница 45: ...ablewillnowbedisplayed To return to the previous screen with Rate setting unchanged press Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey selecttherequiredRateoptionfromthelist e g 3International press to confirm The following typical screen will now appear 1 Canada 2 USA Etats Unis 3 International SELECT RATES ESCAPE 1 RATE International 2 FORMAT Standard Let 3 SERVICE None 0g MODIFY ACCEPT WEIGH PLA...

Страница 46: ...tes youwillbepromptedtomakefurtherselections Make your selection as required and return to the WEIGH PLATFORM screen Placeitemtobeweighedontheplatform theweightandpostage will appear 1 RATE International 2 FORMAT Standard Let 3 SERVICE None 20g 0 25 MODIFY ACCEPT WEIGH PLATFORM ...

Страница 47: ...isplayed press youwill be returned to the RATES screen where you may revise your settings To weigh further items repeat the procedure 6 2 Tare Function 1 Press 2 Place an empty container on the platform 3 Press zero weight will now be displayed 4 Place the filled container on the platform The weight now displayed will be that of the contents of the container 5 To return to normal use clear the sca...

Страница 48: ... Moistener ON OFF control to ON Press the button after a short pause the motor will start Each envelope must be fed into the moistener unit with the flap downwardsandtopedgeagainst theplatformmailguide Atwo handed approach is preferable with particular attention being paid to keeping the envelope flat A continuous sliding action is made until the envelope contacts thepostagemeterrollers Theenvelop...

Страница 49: ...ervoir keep the postage meter top cover closed and take care not to spill sealing solution waterontothemachine Open the reservoir compartment and fill with envelope sealing solutionorwater Closethereservoircompartment CAUTION If the sealing solution enters the postage meter mechanism DO NOTreconnectthemachinetothepowersupply DONOTattempt to remove the machine covers CONTACT NEOPOST SER VICE ...

Страница 50: ...t a mes sagefromanumberofpre loadedmessages Slogans orselect onefromtwoofyourowndesign whenorderedfromNeopost in addition to a Slogan you can also select from a number of MiniDies ItisalsopossibletoAdvanceDateyourmailbyupto28 days WhenfittedwithaMoisteneritisalsopossibletomoistenandseal envelopes P o s t a g e P o s t a g e Postage Meter Serial No Date Your Postal Code Updated if you move Slogan S...

Страница 51: ...ONLY Prints the date instead of a postage imprint SLOGANONLY Prints a slogan instead of a postage imprint SLOGAN DATE Prints a slogan and the date instead of a postage imprint PASSTHROUGH Moistensandsealsenvelopesonly Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey selectrequiredoptionfromlist e g DATEONLY press to confirm OrtoreturntoReadyModewithmodesettingunchanged press MODE 1 NORMAL 2 DATE ONLY 3...

Страница 52: ...e from six pre loaded Mini Dies DATE ADVANCE the posting date can be advanced by up to 28 days 8 3 1 Choosing a Slogan or Rate Die You can select a Slogan and or Mini Die from a number of pre loaded Slogans Mini Dies SlogansandMiniDiesmaybecombinedwithinthesameImprint Provided the envelope or label is long enough to take the print The method of selection for Slogans and Mini Dies is the same there...

Страница 53: ...ou wish to retain the current selection press the keyto return to the IMPRINT menu screen To return to Ready Mode screen press The Icon displayed in the top left hand corner of the screen indicates that a slogan has been selected 8 3 2 Date Advance for Pre Dating Mail Yoursystemisfittedwithitsowncalendar clock thereforecurrent datesettingisautomatic Ifyouwishtopreparemailaheadoftime it is possible...

Страница 54: ...IMPRINT screen To return to Ready Mode with the Advanced Postage Date displayed press YOU ARE NOW READY TO PROCESS YOUR PRE DATED MAIL Oncompletionofyourpredatedmailrun yourmeter MUSTbe reset to the current date However iftheTimeoutperiodisexceeded yourmeterwillgo to Standby and the Date Advance setting be automatically cancelled 150 20 ACCOUNTS MODE IMPRINT DEPT 05 04 22 0 00 DATE ADVANCE 1 2 3 4...

Страница 55: ...ning the Ink Cartridge FromReadyMode pressthe key theMAINMENUscreenwill appear Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey move the cursor to CARTRIDGE and press to confirm The CARTRIDGE menu will appear SelecttheCLEANoptionfromthelistandpress tostartthe cleaningcycle On completion of the cleaning cycle the screen will revert to the CARTRIDGE menu You may now make a test print CARTRIDGE 1 TEST PRI...

Страница 56: ...roduce a Test Print will now be displayed TomakeaTestPrint insertablankenvelopeorcardandpress Inspect the Test Print to ensure that all lines are clear and present Tosetthealignment enterthenumberthatprovidesthestraightest line for the example above line 5 by pressing the appropriate numeric key on the keypad CARTRIDGE 1 TEST PRINT 2 CLEAN 3 REMOVE OK ESCAPE TEST PRINT 05 04 22 ...

Страница 57: ...ry press twicetoreturntoReady Mode Low Ink Should the ink cartridge require replacing the LOW INK display will appear You have approximately 200 impressions available after which the Ink Cartridge MUST be replaced see below No Ink WhentheNOINKdisplayisobserved printingisdisabledandthe Ink Cartridge MUST be replaced before any printing operations can be resumed ESC OK ENTER STRAIGHTEST LINE NO 5 LO...

Страница 58: ...enumberkey movethecursorto CARTRIDGE and press to confirm Select the REMOVE option from the CARTRIDGE menu Press to confirm After a short time the following screen will then appear Open the machine top cover Pressonthefrontof theInkCartridge as shown in order to remove it CARTRIDGE 1 TEST PRINT 2 CLEAN 3 REMOVE OK ESCAPE OK CARTRIDGE INSERT CARTRIDGE PRESS OK ...

Страница 59: ...nd carefully remove the tape seals Do NOT touch or remove the copper strip on Ink Cartridges Place the new cartridge into its holder and lock it in position by carefully pushing down on the depressed circle on top of the cartridgewithyourindexfinger thenusingyourthumbtopushthe rear of the ink cartridge in the direction illustrated Close the machine top cover and press ...

Страница 60: ...nt quality After a short delay the prompt to make a Test Print will be observed Please refer to Making a Test Print The IJ 40 50 comes with a complimentary ink cartridge You should order your next standard cartridge from Neopost Direct TEST PRINT 05 04 22 ...

Страница 61: ...creen will appear MAIN MENU 1 REGISTERS 2 CARTRIDGE 3 SUPERVISOR 4 CLEAR MAIL PATH 5 W EIGHING MODE ESCAPE OK Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey move the cursor to REGISTERS and press to confirm the list of registers available to view will now be displayed REGISTERS 1 BATCH REGISTERS 2 POSTAGE SET 3 MAIN REGISTERS 4 DEPT REGISTERS ESCAPE OK Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey sele...

Страница 62: ...efollowingdisplayappears First replenish the label dispenser as detailed in Filling the label hopper then press to complete the report printingprocess If after a short wait you are returned to the register screen your method of print may be set to External Printer please refer to Printing with External Printer below The method of print Label or External Printer is set in Supervisor Mode please ref...

Страница 63: ...r to Controls and Features and that the printer power lead is connected to an adjacentpoweroutlet Set the printer to ON and the status to ONLINE From your selected registers screen press after a short period of time you will be returned to the screen and the register data will have been printed Iftheregistersscreendoesnotre appearafterafewsecondsand the printer does not print re check all printer ...

Страница 64: ...he other end to an adjacenttelephonelineoutlet From Ready Mode press The ENTER AMOUNT screen will appear Usingthenumerickeypad entertheamountofpostageyouwish to purchase whole dollars only e g 100 Press and to confirm You will now be asked to verify the amount before proceeding If amount incorrect press and start again from the Enter Amountscreen If the amount displayed is correct press to confirm...

Страница 65: ...actionisaccidentallyinterruptedbefore thetransferhasbeencompleted theRESET FAILED RETRY screenwillbeobservedwhenreturningfromLockedmodeafter themachinehasbeenunplugged In this case press to return to Ready Mode PresstheFUNDSkey toautomaticallyfinishtheincomplete transaction On completion of the Add Postage transaction press to return to Ready Mode ESCAPE OK FUNDING DONE 100 00 ESCAPE OK IMPRINT MO...

Страница 66: ...ingto a customer service operator at 1 800 661 0200 12 3 Statements YouwillreceiveaquarterlystatementofallactivityonyourDigital Postage On Call account It includes deposits remote meter settings transaction fees and the ending account balance 12 4 Post Office Regulations CanadaPostregulationsrequirethatyourmetermustbeaudited atregularintervals currentlysetat1month Foryourconvenience an audit is au...

Страница 67: ...mount of the postage plus any applicable DPOCtransactionfeesandtaxes Remembertodepositsufficient funds to cover all service charges and taxes in addition to your plannedsettingwithdrawals Upon receipt of the cheque your D POC account will be credited with your deposit allow a minimum of 5 working days for the cheque to be received and posted Send only your D POC deposit Do not include any other pa...

Страница 68: ...screen to screen is the same as in the user mode except that the supervisormodeincludesanumberofextraconfigurationfunction keys By definition the supervisor has free access to all the departmentsandassuchhe sheisnotpromptedbythesystemto enter any code after the Supervisor Code has been entered For security purposes only a supervisor or other responsible person should be permitted to make changes t...

Страница 69: ...gSUPERVISOR The prompt to ENTER SUPERVISOR PIN will appear Enter the Supervisor PIN IfanincorrectPIN isenteredthesystemwillcontinuetopromptfor SUPERVISOR PIN Entry until the correct PIN is used HavingsuccessfullyenteredSupervisorMode theSUPERVISOR screen will appear ESCAPE ENTER SUPERVISOR PIN 1 SECURITY DEPT 2 REGISTERS 3 LOAD FROM MEMORY CARD 4 SETUP ESCAPE OK SUPERVISOR SUPERVIS USER ...

Страница 70: the Supervisor Ready screen SECURITY DEPT Allows the supervisor to access the department setup andsecurity functions REGISTERS Provides access to registers LOAD FROM MEMORY CARD Enablesthesupervisortoen terdatatothesystemmemory e g AdvertCards RateCards Whenpostalrateschange SETUP Allowsaccesstosystemsetup ...

Страница 71: ... accessed directly from the Departments Control screen STATUS Allows supervisor to enable Departmentaloperation SET UP DEPT Allows supervisor to setup Departments DEPARTMENT SELECTION Allowssupervisortoselectthe department LAST RESET ALL DEPT Allows supervisor to reset All Registers to zero USER PIN Allows supervisor to set the 4 digit User PIN USER STATUS Allows supervisor to set the UserStatus W...

Страница 72: ...ress to confirm To return to the SUPERVISOR screen press SETTING THE USER STATUS Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey movethecursorto6USERSTATUSandpress toconfirm the following screen will appear ToreturntothepreviousscreenwiththeUserStatusunchanged press Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey make your selection and press to confirm To return to the SUPERVISOR screen press LOCKED will...

Страница 73: ...o ENABLED and press to confirm you willbereturnedtotheSECURITY DEPTscreenwiththestatus changed to ENABLED Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey move the cursor to SET UP DEPT and press to confirm The following screen will appear 1 DEPT 1 C OK SET UP DEPT ESCAPE STATUS 1 DISABLED 2 ENABLED ESCAPE OK 1 STATUS ENABLED 2 SETUP DEPT 3 DEPARTMENT SELECTION PICK UP FROM LIST 4 LAST RESET ALL DEPT 0...

Страница 74: ...ove the cursor to the character to be defined The keyisusedtoconfirmtheselectionandmovethecursor to the next character To delete a character press To enter numbers in the text use the numeric keypad you do not need to press the key to confirm selection when entering numbers A department name is limited to 14 characters including spaces To return to the previous screen with the Department Name unch...

Страница 75: DEPT NO and press to confirm the following screen will appear Usingthenumericalkeypadenter changetheaccountnumber press to confirm Toreturntothepreviousscreenwithaccountnumberunchanged press To set a Department PIN move the cursor to DEPT PIN and press to confirm the following screen will appear TochangetheDepartmentPIN enterthenewvalue thenpress to confirm To return to the previous screen with...

Страница 76: ...STRESETandpress toconfirm the following screen will appear To return to the previous screen with data unchanged press ToresetcurrentDepartmentDatatozero press toconfirm thefollowingscreenwillappearwiththecurrentdatedisplayedas LAST RESET Your Department is assigned and ready for use To return to the SUPERVISOR screen press STATUS 1 CLOSED 2 OPEN 3 LOCKED ESCAPE OK ESCAPE CONTINUE DEPT DATA WILL BE...

Страница 77: ...below or equal to the Low Credit threshold this value may be changed Default Low Credit value set to 50 00 3 Time The system clock should be set to local time the year cannot be changed however to facilitate Summer Winter time may be changed 4 Sleep Mode Ifthesystemisleftforaperiodoftimeitwillautomaticallyreturnto SleepMode Thetimeoutperiodmaybechanged DefaultSleep Mode time out set to 5 minutes 5...

Страница 78: ...bers of the Neopost Digital Postage On Call Re setting system and Helpdesk are stored in the system 9 Registration Enables Change Address Audit and Withdrawal transactions 10 Language Details Language setting Factory set to American English 11 Report On Enables the supervisor to determine report printing mode e g internal label printer remote printer or PC Factory set to internal labelprinter 12 W...

Страница 79: ...otheSETUPmenuwiththeoriginalvalueunchanged press To change the High Value enter the new value with no point or comma e g 100 corresponds to 1 00 then press to confirm To return to the Supervisor Ready screen press twice Low Credit From the SETUP screen selectLOW CREDIT and press to confirm the following screen will appear SETUP 1 HIGH VALUE 10 00 2 LOW CREDIT 50 00 3 TIME 09 50 4 SLEEP MODE 5 5 MO...

Страница 80: ...eenselectTIMEandpress toconfirm the following screen will appear ToreturntothepreviousscreenwiththeTimeSettingunchanged press TochangetheTimeSetting enterthenewvalue withnopointor comma e g 1345 corresponds to 1 45 pm maximum variance 3hours then press to confirm To return to the Supervisor Ready screen press twice Sleep Mode FromtheSETUPscreen selectSleepModeandpress to confirm the following scre...

Страница 81: ...s to confirm To return to the Supervisor Ready screen press twice Key Beep From the SETUP screen select KEY BEEP and press to confirm the following screen will appear To return to the previous screen with the Setting unchanged press Usethe and keystochangethesetting thenpress to confirm To return to the Supervisor Ready screen press twice KEY BEEP 1 ON 2 OFF ESCAPE OK ...

Страница 82: ...onths without adding pos tage a PO LOCKOUT message is displayed and can be cleared by performing a Clear Lockout transaction If you wish to avoid a PO LOCKOUT you can perform an AUDIT transaction any time prior to the timer expiration When the Audit transaction is completed postage printing is enabledforanother2months Withdraw TheWithdrawprocedureisonlyrequiredifyouarecancellingyour meter contract...

Страница 83: ...advised that the Neopost Digital Postage On Call numberhaschanged Telephone Number Change From the SETUP screen selectTELEPHONE SETTINGS and press to confirm the following screen will appear If you are advised of a telephone number change move the cursortothenumbertobechanged e g 1POSTAGEREFILL NUMBER andpress toconfirm thefollowingscreenwill now be observed To return to the SETUP menu with the te...

Страница 84: ...use between the outsidelinedigitandthetelephonenumber DIALING METHOD You can choose the type of dialing TONE DETECT You may wish to wait for a dial tone to be detected before dialling out DIAL DELAY You may wish to enter a delay between dialing attempts in seconds Usingthe and keys ortheappropriatenumberkey move the cursor to make a selection and press to confirm the following typical screen will ...

Страница 85: ...emember only 2 slogans messages can be stored in the machine at any one time in addition to the 7 preloaded slogans FromtheSUPERVISORscreenselectLOADFROMMEMORY CARD and press to confirm the following screen will appear Insert the memory card face uppermost into the card reader on the right hand side of the machineasillustrated Press to confirm The prompt to load the Memory Card Message Slogan will...

Страница 86: ... not wish to replace a file press twice to return to the Supervisor Ready screen Ifyouwishtoreplaceafile usethe and keys orthe appropriate number key to move the cursor to the message slogan to be replaced Now press to initiate the downloading operation Oncompletionofthedownloadingprocess thefollowingscreen will appear To return to the Supervisor Ready screen press twice ESCAPE LOADING FROM MEMORY...

Страница 87: external PRINTER printing see below 14 1 Typical Reports DEPARTMENTREGISTERS DEP NAME TOTAL ITEMS MARKETING 235 67 759 R D 27 12 69 ACCOUNTS 8 52 18 SALES 107 52 512 14 2 Printing a Report Starting from the SUPERVISOR menu move the cursor to the REGISTERS option Press to confirm The following screen will appear REGISTERS 1 SET UP 2 MAIN REGISTERS 3 EVENTS 4 WEIGHING PLATFORM REPORT 5 DEPART...

Страница 88: ... a label icon with a block label number alongside This number decrements as report printing progresses nine department label blocks for IJ40 twelve for IJ50 plus one label containing theuserreport On completion of printing the DEPARTMENT REGISTERS screen will appear If the method of print is set to EXTERNAL PRINTER please referPrintingwithExternalPrinterbelow To change the method of print please r...

Страница 89: ...the print destination unchanged press 14 4 Printing with External Printer Before proceeding to print registers using an external printer ensurethattheprinterleadisconnectedtotheUpperAccessory Port at the back of the base please refer to Controls and Features and that the printer power lead is connected to an adjacentpoweroutlet Set the printer to ON and the status to ONLINE From your selected regi...

Страница 90: ...ts Thereisnoexternalprinterfeedbacktothesystem therefore if the department registers screen does not re appear after a few seconds and the printer does not print re check all printer connections and ensure that the printer status is set to ONLINE ...

Страница 91: ...hsetto ON Check plug fuse Have you selected the correct print mode please see Setting the re portdestination The Autofeeder does not ChecktheconnectiontotheIJ40 50 operate please see Machine connec tions The system does not Check that you have made the cor print rect Print Mode Selection please see Printing options Did you remove the protective tape fromtheInkCartridgebeforefitting please see Repl...

Страница 92: ...ooting PROBLEM Labels do not feed properly The scale does not communicate with the ma chine SOLUTION Avoid leaving the labels in the machine for too long Avoid overloading the dispenser 50max Check the scale connection please see Machine connec tions ...

Страница 93: ...Canada 150 Steelcase Road W Markham ON L3R 3J9 Phone 1 800 NEOPOST WEB www NEOPOST CA Customer Service Helpdesk 1 800 661 0200 Call for technical support or to place a service call Consumable Supplies Order Desk 1 800 661 0200 CUSTOMER DETAILS Die N TelephoneN Supervisor access code ...

Страница 94: ...4127763C A 15 03 2006 ORIG0018 A 01 USER SGUIDE MAILING SYSTEM IJ 40 50 ...

Страница 95: ...4127763C A 15 03 2006 YourmailingmachineisEnergyStarcompliant it helps you to save energy and money while protectingtheenvironment ...
