Nemesis Audio
Adding and Removing Events
An event can be added to a trigger, switch or macro by defining the event using the dropdown
boxes, selecting an empty “slot” in the events list and clicking “Store Selected Event”.
Events will be processed by the CCS-2 in the order they are stored in the events list.
To edit an event, select it in the list, make the required changes and press “Store Selected Event”
again, to overwrite the previous settings.
completely remove an event, select it in the events list and press “Clear Selected Event”.
Note that any empty slots in the events list will be removed by the CCS-2 during upload/download,
as well as when re-loading from a preset file.
Event Descriptions
Send MIDI Event
Choose a destination for the generated MIDI event to be sent. Available options include MIDI
Group 1, MIDI Group 2, MIDI Group 3, MIDI Group 4 (as defined in the configuration options), USB A,
USB B, USB A+B, Active USB (the currently selected USB connection based on the last USB select
Select a MIDI channel 1-16 for the MIDI Message.
Message Type:
Choose the standard MIDI message to be sent. Available options include Note Off,
Note On, Key Pressure, Control Change, Program Change, Channel Pressure, Pitch Bend.
Byte 1:
First data byte for the MIDI message.
Byte 2:
Second data byte for the MIDI message. Ignored for messages that only have one data byte,
e.g Program Change.